Finding what you really want to be?
This is foremost the most difficult question you would have ever been questioned, because most of us are normally too confuse. So as this era came in my life too.
Luckily! I found a way to solve. When I was in high school, my elders and all other came out with their tons of suggestions, for which I am thankful to them.
But, normally this decision should be taken by oneself and the better way to answer this question is to ASK YOUR SELF repeatedly.
So I founded an easy way to answer this question and I started to answer this question from very beginning, from my school time.
Note: Easy way to answer any question is to see it root causes and answer them first. Following this rule, I divided my question into further question
Question No. 1
Which subjects you always use to study and they use to be your best?
My Answer: Computers
Question No. 2
What was the reason of scoring more marks than other subjects?
(This could possibly be because of your teachers, the way they use to deliver or could be because the subject seems to be more practical than theory based)
My Answer: Subject seems to be more practical than theory based
Question No. 3
Why you use to enjoy them?
(Well this question is the most critical in all, since if you use to enjoy just because of the teacher, it was easy or you use to score more then I think you should not take this subject into consideration reason being gradually you will lose your focus)
My Answer: From my early days I use to love programming, and as per my parents even I use to sit for long hours doing programming, and whenever I use to solve a problem I use to celebrate a lot. This is why I end up being a programmer.
Well the above questions are just few examples of how you can come up with different questions to yourself. I hope this post of mine will help you find your own goal of life.